I thought I should bring to your attention a little website my brother has had up and running for a short while called Conversatial. It’s a very quaint and amusing blog-style site that documents little snippets of conversation he overhears day to day.
What makes them so enjoyable and compelling is that they’re very short and sweet and completely without context. This allows visitors to use their imagination and visualise what must have been discussed or gone on at the time.
I was really inspired by some of the snippets that I thought it would be fun to get involved by illustrating my own visual interpretations of them. Each entry on the site has an accompanying illustration that can be seen by clicking the link under each Conversatial. It seemed better to keep the illustrations separate from the entry at first glance so to not detract from visitors’ own imaginings.
I have included some of the accompanying illustrations below but please go and enjoy their literary counterparts here: CONVERSATIAL