When it comes to tennis, three players have dominated the top three rankings for the best part of the last two decades: Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic…
My name is Ainsley Knott, I have a passion for creating fun and inspiring artwork. I had an early love for drawing action heroes, which I guess I never really grew out of, and, I also grew up playing tennis.
I always had an admiration for the sport and its players and a while back I was inspired to create a caricature of Rafael Nadal, for my own amusement…
Due to the popularity of that, I later decided to do one of Novak Djokovic which I had great fun with.
When I shared “The Djoker” with people it proved really popular and many were saying it would be great to see versions of Federer as well.
So I happily obliged…
So that’s where the idea to create this series of artworks came from.
I’m planning on releasing a small batch of limited edition art prints of these portraits and selling them on my shop page. 20% of the sales will go to each of the player’s respective charities.
If you’d like to know when they are available sign up below to be notified…
Only a limited amount of prints will be created of these tennis portraits.
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