Small Head
When: Aug, 2017 Duration: Can’t remember What: A woman enjoying her lunch and phone Where: Tumbalong Park, Sydney Details: Here is another sketch from that one Sydney park at lunchtime. I gave no respect to proportions here whatsoever, and I love the result. Her head and body are really small compared to her legs! If I’m sketching for my own […]
Vietnam: Woman Waiting
When: Aug, 2018 Duration: 37 mins What: A woman waiting in a cafe Where: The Coffee House, Ho Chi Minh Details: Sunday afternoon cafe sketch of a woman across the way. I used intermittent, stealth-glances to get the gist of her without blowing my cover. After she left, the gentleman next to me, who was watching me draw this, leaned […]
Sharp Lady
When: March, 2018 Duration: Inital sketch – 45mins, post-touch-ups – 70mins What: Yeah, I don’t really know … spectral assassin lady? Where: Royal Botanical Gardens, Melbourne Details: ‘Twas a sunny Sunday afternoon which I spent sitting in the beautiful BotanGar (as I like to call them). I came across this lady sitting by the lake with her lover. They […]