Drawing Gifts
The bane of being able to draw things, means that for special occasions I find I generally have to make cards for people close to me, or at least “do a drawing” for them. I only blame myself, because I started doing it at a young age and feel I am expected to do it […]
Cafe sketches etc.
Sweet Christmas. Here is some more brush-pen action for your procrastination: Taking a break outside of the State Library of Victoria to eat my snacks, I drew this chap doing the chill.
The Nonsense Continues
I had an extended weekend of doing nothing too productive, in terms of artwork anyway. But here are the latest scribblings I’ve conjured: This drawing of a lady in a cafe started off so harmlessly, and then it got out of hand quickly.
Hello. I’ve been trying to improve my understanding of drawing hands by, well, drawing lots of hands. Please find below, a collection of the latest hands: People used to smoke. They used to sing “Smoking is fun, always do it forever…”
Novak “The Djoker” Djokovic
Tennis is one of the sports I grew up with. When I was younger my dad worked as a tennis coach and would regularly take my sister and me down to the local courts on weekends to play. — Although I don’t really play much any more I still like to watch, and I have immense respect […]