Sharp Lady
When: March, 2018
Duration: Inital sketch – 45mins, post-touch-ups – 70mins
What: Yeah, I don’t really know … spectral assassin lady?
Where: Royal Botanical Gardens, Melbourne
Details: ‘Twas a sunny Sunday afternoon which I spent sitting in the beautiful BotanGar (as I like to call them). I came across this lady sitting by the lake with her lover. They both looked fancy, wearing their Sunday best. I’m pretty sure he proposed to her while I was drawing this.
But why the blades? Why the floaty no-legs? Simple. As is usually the case when I start drawing someone, they up and go, leaving only a limbless “sketch victim” to be abused by the warped mind of their sketcher. I loved the thought of taking this elegantly dressed, unassuming woman and turning her into a deadly bladed assassin with a hot temper.
Feel free to add a backstory to her …